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* PROGRAM = | * PROGRAM = | ||
* Authority Check allows right now only 60 Character | * Authority Check allows right now only 60 Character | ||
FILENAME = l_filename(60) | FILENAME = l_filename(60) | ||
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==Unix Varios== | ==Unix Varios== | ||
Trn. SM69 : Comandos Sistema Operativo | Trn. SM69 : Comandos Sistema Operativo |
Latest revision as of 19:14, 17 October 2024
Ejecutar comando de sistema operativo
(Los comandos se definen en la tran. SM69) Función SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE
FORM mueve_ficheros USING p_file p_dir p_dire CHANGING p_subrc. DATA: BEGIN OF lt_btcxpm OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE btcxpm. DATA: END OF lt_btcxpm. DATA: l_para LIKE sxpgcolist-parameters, l_aux_dir1(200), l_aux_dir2(200), l_string TYPE string. CONCATENATE p_dir '/' p_file INTO l_aux_dir1. CONCATENATE p_dire '/' p_file INTO l_aux_dir2. CONCATENATE l_aux_dir1 l_aux_dir2 INTO l_para SEPARATED BY space. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE' EXPORTING commandname = 'ZMV' additional_parameters = l_para TABLES exec_protocol = lt_btcxpm EXCEPTIONS no_permission = 1 command_not_found = 2 parameters_too_long = 3 security_risk = 4 wrong_check_call_interface = 5 program_start_error = 6 program_termination_error = 7 x_error = 8 parameter_expected = 9 too_many_parameters = 10 illegal_command = 11 wrong_asynchronous_parameters = 12 cant_enq_tbtco_entry = 13 jobcount_generation_error = 14 OTHERS = 15. p_subrc = sy-subrc. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 1. MESSAGE e010(0t) WITH 'Sin autorizacion para comando OS ZMV' INTO l_string. "#EC NOTEXT WHEN 2. MESSAGE e010(0t) WITH 'Comando OS ZMV no existe' INTO l_string. "#EC NOTEXT WHEN OTHERS. MESSAGE e010(0t) WITH 'ZMV errorcode: ' sy-subrc INTO l_string. "#EC NOTEXT ENDCASE. WRITE:/ l_string. ENDIF. ENDFORM.
PUT/GET archivos a/desde servidor FTP
Programa ejemplo: RSFTP003
Ejemplo usando clases
CLASS cl_ftp DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING i_user TYPE c i_password TYPE c i_host TYPE c i_rfc_destination TYPE rfcdest DEFAULT 'SAPFTPA' EXCEPTIONS error, command IMPORTING i_command TYPE c EXPORTING e_subrc TYPE sy-subrc, disconnect EXPORTING e_subrc TYPE sy-subrc, upload IMPORTING i_xstring TYPE xstring i_fullpath TYPE string EXPORTING e_subrc TYPE sy-subrc. DATA g_handle TYPE i. DATA g_dest TYPE rfcdes-rfcdest. ENDCLASS. CLASS cl_ftp IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_CONNECT' EXPORTING user = i_user password = i_password host = i_host rfc_destination = i_rfc_destination IMPORTING handle = g_handle EXCEPTIONS not_connected = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RAISE error. ENDIF. g_dest = i_rfc_destination. ENDMETHOD. METHOD command. DATA lt_result TYPE TABLE OF text. CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_COMMAND' EXPORTING handle = g_handle command = i_command TABLES data = lt_result EXCEPTIONS tcpip_error = 1 command_error = 2 data_error = 3. e_subrc = sy-subrc. ENDMETHOD. METHOD upload. DATA: lt_xtable TYPE faa_t_tenv_xmlraw. DATA: ld_filesize TYPE i. DATA l_command(120). * Converting XString to XTable CALL METHOD cl_faa_tenv_services=>convert_xstring_to_xtable EXPORTING id_xstring = i_xstring IMPORTING et_xtable = lt_xtable EXCEPTIONS invalid_table = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. e_subrc = sy-subrc. RETURN. ENDIF. * . Save XTable ld_filesize = xstrlen( i_xstring ). DATA l_fname(120). l_fname = i_fullpath. CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_R3_TO_CLIENT' EXPORTING fname = l_fname rfc_destination = g_dest blob_length = ld_filesize TABLES blob = lt_xtable EXCEPTIONS command_error = 1 data_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. e_subrc = sy-subrc. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD disconnect. CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_DISCONNECT' EXPORTING handle = g_handle. CALL FUNCTION 'RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE' EXPORTING destination = g_dest EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. e_subrc = sy-subrc. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS cl_documento DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: upload_ftp IMPORTING i_path TYPE string i_xstring TYPE xstring CHANGING c_subrc TYPE sy-subrc c_ftp TYPE REF TO cl_ftp, gui_download IMPORTING i_xstring TYPE xstring i_fullpath TYPE string CHANGING c_subrc TYPE sy-subrc. ENDCLASS. CLASS cl_documento IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD upload_ftp. DATA: lt_bin_tab TYPE solix_tab, l_file_length TYPE i. DATA: l_user(30) TYPE c VALUE 'mi_usuario', l_pwd(30) TYPE c VALUE '12345678', l_host(64) TYPE c VALUE '999.99.9.99', l_dest TYPE rfcdes-rfcdest VALUE 'SAPFTPA'. DATA l_command(120). DATA: key TYPE i VALUE 26101957, hdl TYPE i, slen TYPE i, x TYPE i, docid TYPE sysuuid-c, cmd(120), error, bline(120) TYPE x. IF c_ftp is NOT BOUND. slen = strlen( l_pwd ). CALL FUNCTION 'HTTP_SCRAMBLE' EXPORTING source = l_pwd sourcelen = slen key = key IMPORTING destination = l_pwd. CREATE OBJECT c_ftp EXPORTING i_user = l_user i_password = l_pwd i_host = l_host i_rfc_destination = l_dest EXCEPTIONS error = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. c_subrc = sy-subrc. RETURN. ENDIF. c_ftp->command( EXPORTING i_command = 'set passive on' IMPORTING e_subrc = c_subrc ). IF c_subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDIF. c_ftp->upload( EXPORTING i_xstring = i_xstring i_fullpath = i_path IMPORTING e_subrc = c_subrc ). IF c_subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. l_command = |put { i_path }|. c_ftp->command( EXPORTING i_command = l_command IMPORTING e_subrc = c_subrc ). IF c_subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD gui_download. * Stores a XSTRING as file on frontend client DATA: lt_xtable TYPE faa_t_tenv_xmlraw. DATA: ld_filesize TYPE i. * Converting XString to XTable CALL METHOD cl_faa_tenv_services=>convert_xstring_to_xtable EXPORTING id_xstring = i_xstring IMPORTING et_xtable = lt_xtable EXCEPTIONS invalid_table = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. c_subrc = sy-subrc. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. RETURN. ENDIF. * . Save XTable ld_filesize = xstrlen( i_xstring ). CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download EXPORTING bin_filesize = ld_filesize filename = i_fullpath filetype = 'BIN' CHANGING data_tab = lt_xtable EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 4. c_subrc = sy-subrc. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. DATA g_ftp TYPE REF TO cl_ftp. ... ... ... loop at ..... cl_documento=>upload_ftp( EXPORTING i_path = l_path i_xstring = l_xstring CHANGING c_subrc = l_subrc c_ftp = g_ftp ). endloop. IF g_ftp IS BOUND. g_ftp->disconnect( IMPORTING e_subrc = l_subrc ). FREE g_ftp. ENDIF.
leer archivo binario desde servidor
FUNCTION C13Z_RAWDATA_READ. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(I_FILE) LIKE RCGIEDIAL-IEFILE *" VALUE(I_LOG_FILENAME) TYPE FILEINTERN OPTIONAL *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(E_FILE_SIZE) LIKE DRAO-ORLN *" VALUE(E_LINES) TYPE I *" TABLES *" E_RCGREPFILE_TAB STRUCTURE RCGREPFILE *" EXCEPTIONS *" NO_PERMISSION *" OPEN_FAILED *" READ_ERROR *" PATH_ERROR *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- * lokal data ----------------------------------------------------------- * Begin Correction 23.11.2010 1505368 ******************** DATA: l_log_filename TYPE fileintern, l_stack_tab TYPE sys_callst, l_stack_wa TYPE sys_calls. * End Correction 23.11.2010 1505368 ********************** DATA : L_LEN LIKE SY-TABIX. DATA : L_FILENAME LIKE AUTHB-FILENAME. * Begin Correction 20.11.2005 899632 ******************* DATA L_SUBRC LIKE SY-SUBRC. * End Correction 20.11.2005 899632 ********************* * function body -------------------------------------------------------- * assign value l_filename = i_file. * check the authority for file CALL FUNCTION 'AUTHORITY_CHECK_DATASET' EXPORTING * PROGRAM = ACTIVITY = SABC_ACT_READ "'READ' * Authority Check allows right now only 60 Character FILENAME = l_filename(60) EXCEPTIONS NO_AUTHORITY = 1 ACTIVITY_UNKNOWN = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. RAISE NO_PERMISSION. ENDIF. * Begin Correction 24.09.2010 1505368 ******************** CASE sy-cprog. WHEN 'RC1IMPPG'. IF ( I_LOG_FILENAME NE LC_LOG_FILENAME_IMP_PHR_2 AND I_LOG_FILENAME NE LC_LOG_FILENAME_IMP_SUB_2 AND I_LOG_FILENAME NE LC_LOG_FILENAME_IMP_SRC_2 AND I_LOG_FILENAME NE LC_LOG_FILENAME_IMP_PROP_2 AND I_LOG_FILENAME NE LC_LOG_FILENAME_IMP_REP_2 AND I_LOG_FILENAME NE LC_LOG_FILENAME_IMP_TEMPL_2 ). * Begin Correction 10.02.2011 1552798 ******************** * code removed * End Correction 10.02.2011 1552798 ******************** MESSAGE I153(C$) WITH SY-CPROG SY-REPID SY-SUBRC 'C13Z_RAWDATA_READ'. * interner System-Fehler! (&1 &2 &3 &4) RAISE PATH_ERROR. ELSE. L_LOG_FILENAME = I_LOG_FILENAME. ENDIF. WHEN 'SAPLC13E'. l_log_filename = LC_LOG_FILENAME_IMP_TEMPL_2. WHEN 'SAPLC13G'. l_log_filename = LC_LOG_FILENAME_IMP_REP_2. WHEN 'RC1TCG3Z' OR 'RC1TCG3Y'. l_log_filename = LC_LOGICAL_FILENAME_FTAPPL_2. WHEN 'SAPLC14S'. * Begin Correction 10.02.2011 1552798 ******************** l_log_filename = LC_LOG_FILENAME_ARCHIVLINK_2. * End Correction 10.02.2011 1552798 ******************** WHEN OTHERS. MESSAGE I153(C$) WITH SY-CPROG SY-REPID SY-SUBRC 'C13Z_RAWDATA_READ'. * interner System-Fehler! (&1 &2 &3 &4) EXIT. ENDCASE. * validate physical filename against logical filename * Begin Correction 10.02.2011 1552798 ******************** CALL FUNCTION 'FILE_VALIDATE_NAME' EXPORTING logical_filename = L_LOG_FILENAME CHANGING physical_filename = I_FILE EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. RAISE PATH_ERROR. ENDIF. * End Correction 10.02.2011 1552798 ******************** * End Correction 24.09.2010 1505368 ******************** * read the raw-file from the appl.server * Begin Correction 20.11.2005 899632 ******************* CLEAR L_SUBRC. CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS OPEN_DATASET_NO_AUTHORITY = 1 DATASET_TOO_MANY_FILES = 2 OTHERS = 4. OPEN DATASET I_FILE FOR INPUT IN BINARY MODE. L_SUBRC = SY-SUBRC. ENDCATCH. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0 OR L_SUBRC <> 0. RAISE OPEN_FAILED. ENDIF. * End Correction 20.11.2005 899632 ********************* * Begin Correction 21.03.2005 816266 ******************* CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS DATASET_READ_ERROR = 11 OTHERS = 12. DO. CLEAR L_LEN. CLEAR E_RCGREPFILE_TAB. READ DATASET I_FILE INTO E_RCGREPFILE_TAB-ORBLK LENGTH L_LEN. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. * Begin Correction 20.11.2005 899632 ******************* IF L_LEN > 0. * End Correction 20.11.2005 899632 ********************* E_FILE_SIZE = E_FILE_SIZE + L_LEN. APPEND E_RCGREPFILE_TAB. ENDIF. EXIT. ENDIF. E_FILE_SIZE = E_FILE_SIZE + L_LEN. APPEND E_RCGREPFILE_TAB. ENDDO. ENDCATCH. IF SY-SUBRC > 10. RAISE READ_ERROR. ENDIF. * End Correction 31.03.2005 816266 ********************* DESCRIBE TABLE E_RCGREPFILE_TAB LINES E_LINES. * Begin Correction 20.11.2005 899632 ******************* CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS DATASET_CANT_CLOSE = 1 OTHERS = 4. CLOSE DATASET I_FILE. ENDCATCH. IF NOT SY-SUBRC IS INITIAL. * but there wasn't any error at the reading of the data ENDIF. * End Correction 20.11.2005 899632 ********************* ENDFUNCTION.
Unix Varios
Trn. SM69 : Comandos Sistema Operativo
Trn. CG3Z / Reporte RC1TCG3Z : Upload fichero a servidor
Trn. CG3Y / Reporte RC1TCG3Y : Download fichero desde servidor
Trn. CACS_FILE_COPY, Rep. CACS_FILE_COPY : copiar de servidor a PC y viceversa
Rep. RSBDCOS0 : Ejecutar comando SO (grabado en log sistema y ficheros Trace)
FM. BRAN_DIR_CREATE : crear directorio (ojo con las validaciones internas pero se puede usar de base)