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Nota SAP 2464261 - How to customized PREVIRED Interface (HCLCPRVD0)

You are executing the PREVIRED Interface (HCLCPRVD0) report and you need to change or enhance the standard solution according to your business needs.

The legal reports for Payroll Chile use the standard framework called Unified Reporting. The following table views are used to determine the sequence executed by the report:

Report Definition (V_T799BHRF01) - Defines a key for each report that will use this framework
  1. HRF Report Sections (V_T799BHRF02) - Defines the sections available for each report
  2. HRF Report Fields (V_T799BHRF03) - Defines the fields available for each report (link with DAQ customizing)
  3. HRF Report Output Generation (V_T799BHRF04) – No specific customizing for Payroll Chile
  4. HRF Factory Configuration (V_T799BHRF05) - Defines which classes will be used for each report
  5. HRF Report Post Processing (V_T799BHRF06) - Defines which function modules will be used to post-process the DAQ data
In order to include customer specific business logic in the report, one of the following steps should be executed:
  1. Create a customer specific class using the standard version as copy source and replace it in V_T799BHRF05 table view for Subapplication PRVD for Class Indicator “Form Table Handler Class”.
  2. Create a customer specific function module using the standard version as copy source and replace it in V_T799BHRF06 table view for Subapplication PRVD step 70.
  3. Create a customer specific function module using the standard version as copy source and create a new Post-Processing step in V_T799BHRF06 table view for Subapplication PRVD step 70. For example:
No.              2
Start Date       01.01.1900
End Date         31.12.9999
Section          *
Field            *
Function Module  <customer FM>


tabla T5F99F0
tabla T5F99FF (V_T5F99FF definición de campos) *
tabla T5F99FW (CC-nóminas por grupo salarial) <=> T5F99FF <=> T5F99FD
* ejemplo
Agrupaci˘n de paĄses Aplicaci˘n parcial Grupo de CC-n˘minas NŁmero Fin de validez Inicio de validez Container CC-n˘minas Cl.tratamiento/evaluaci˘n Valor del container Signo de c lculo Payroll result field Porcentaje
39 PRVD ACCT 001 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 /E04 + A 0,00
39 PRVD ACCT 002 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 /E05 + A 0,00
39 PRVD ACCT 003 31-12-9999 01-01-2018 LG 0 /E10 + A 0,00
39 PRVD ACCT 004 31-12-9999 01-01-2018 LG 0 /E11 + A 0,00
39 PRVD AFRT 001 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 0111 + A 0,00
39 PRVD APIN 001 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 0,00
39 PRVD APSS 001 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 /E08 + A 0,00
39 PRVD BLEY 001 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 0,00
39 PRVD BNG1 001 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 0,00
39 PRVD BNG2 001 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 0,00
39 PRVD CACT 001 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 /E05 0,00
39 PRVD CACT 002 31-12-9999 01-01-1900 LG 0 /E04 0,00
39 PRVD CACT 003 31-12-9999 01-01-2018 LG 0 /E10 0,00
39 PRVD CACT 004 31-12-9999 01-01-2018 LG 0 /E11 0,00
T5F99F0 - Formularios
T5F99FC - Condiciones
T5F99FCI - Condiciones (identidad)
T5F99FCT - Formularios: Descripción de la condición
T5F99FD - Sección - Campos    (aca se ve el orden de los campos) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!********************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T5F99FF - Definición de campo
T5F99FFT - Descripción de campo
T5F99FF - Definición de grupo de campos
T5F99FGI - Grupos de campos (identidad)
T5F99FGT - Grupos de campos (texto)
T5F99FS - Definición de sección
T5F99FST - Sección (texto)
T5F99FV - Definición del grupo fuente de CC-nóminas
T5F99FVT - Definición del grupo fuente de CC-nóminas
T5F99FW - Definición del grupo fuente de CC-nóminas


CALL METHOD ar_daq_form->get_values_forms

function HR_99S_DAQ_GET_VALUES
para analizar poner break acá:

        loop at <fs_sectn>-field ASSIGNING <fs_fifor> where field in im_field.

*         init
          wa_form-field = <fs_fifor>-field.
          wa_form-ficon = <fs_fifor>-atrib.  "<--------BREAK-POINT

function HR_99S_DAQ_GET_FIELD

LHR99S00_DAQF02 form daq_wages

transaccion DAQ_UPLOAD


feature CLCAF



Notas Varias

Función CLTAX moneda CLP4

1587331 - [CL] Rounding issue in Income Tax calculation (CLTAX)

The Income Tax Payroll function (CLTAX) is performing rounding procedures during the tax calculation process. The correct approach is to use decimal places during the calculation and round the final result, as defined by the Chilean tax authority (SII). Rounding CLP amounts during the tax calculation may lead to slight differences in the tax deduction.

Other Terms
Chile; decimal places; HR_CL_INCOME_TAX; rounding

The new currency CLP4 was created in order to be used during the Income Tax calculation using 4 decimal places. The Income Tax calculation was changed in order to use the new currency for UTM conversion and to store the Income Tax basis (/T23) using 4 decimal places during the Income Tax wage type (/312) generation. The final result is then rounded to CLP.
From now on, the currency conversion rate between UTM and CLP4 should be maintained monthly as the conversion rate between UTM and CLP is being maintained (using the same conversion rate and values).

The solution described in this note will be included in an HR Support Package, as indicated in item "Reference to Support Packages". 
In case you require these changes to be implemented immediately, do the following steps attached as Correction Instructions:
- apply the manual pre-implementation steps. 
- use SNOTE to apply the source code correction instructions.
Manual Activities

I) New currency CLP4
a) Go to SM30 transaction and maintain the table view V_CURC. 
b) Insert the following entry: 

Currency: CLP4
Long Text: Chilean Peso
Short Text: Peso
ISO code: CLP
Alternative key: 152 

c) Save your changes. 
d) Go to SM30 transaction and maintain the table view V_CURX. 
e) Insert the following entry: 
Currency Decimals
CLP4 4
f) Save your changes. 
g) Go to SM30 transaction and maintain the table view V_TCURF. 
h) Insert the following entries:

ExRt From To Valid from Ratio(from) Ratio(to)
M CLP CLP4 01.01.1900 1 1 
M CLP4 CLP 01.01.1900 1 1

i) Save your changes. 
j) Go to SM30 transaction and maintain the table view V_TCURR. 
k) Insert the following entries:

ExRt Valid From From Dir.quot. To
M 01.01.1900 CLP 1 CLP4 
M 01.01.1900 CLP4 1 CLP

l) Save your changes. 

II) New message HRPAYCL035

a) Go to SE91 transaction and maintain the message 035 for Message class HRPAYCL:

Message Message short text
035 No exchange rate from &1 to &2 in table V_TCURR on &3 

b) Save your changes.

1444894 - Migrated Record Update via PA30 gives a shortdump

After upgrade to release 6.00 EhP5, you can not maintain Infotype 0021 (Display Family/ Related Person) for Chile. The message 'Error in UPDATE from table PA3226 argument' will be displayed.