- Driver: HCLCALC0
- SAP HCM Payroll Chile
Ver formularios
- Trn. HR99S00_DAQVIEW
Tablas Previred
Determinar lógica y modificarla para un campo de interfaz PREVIRED
Digamos que se desea determinar la lógica del campo N° 18 y modificarla, vamos a la tabla T5F99FD con:
T5F99FD-MOLGA = '39' T5F99FD-APPL = 'PRVD' T5F99FD-ORDSE = 18
obtenemos T5F99FD-FIELD, en este caso = 'TRAMO'
vamos a tabla T5F99FF con
se observa que T5F99FF-FNAME = 'HR_CL_DAQ_PROCESS_CCAF'
vamos a la trn. SE37 con HR_CL_DAQ_PROCESS_CCAF
se observa que acá esta la lógica para determinar el tramo:
WHEN 'TRAMO'. "Family Allowance Brackets PERFORM get_bracket USING ls_wpbp ls_pay-inter-rt lr_employee->at_p0008 CHANGING ls_value-data.
Si queremos modificar la lógica para determinar el tramo debemos copiar la función HR_CL_DAQ_PROCESS_CCAF digamos a ZHR_CL_DAQ_PROCESS_CCAF e incluir la lógica necesaria, en este caso:
FUNCTION zhr_cl_daq_process_ccaf. *"-------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Interfase local *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(IM_DAQ) TYPE P99SD_CODAQ *" REFERENCE(IM_TAB_PAY) TYPE TABLE *" REFERENCE(IM_TAB_TIME) TYPE TABLE *" REFERENCE(IM_TAB_PRELP) TYPE P99SG_TAB_PRELP OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(IM_TAB_USER) TYPE TABLE OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(IM_FORM) TYPE REF TO CL_HR99S00_DAQ *" REFERENCE(IM_WAFOR) TYPE P99SD_WAFOR OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(IM_TAB_FODAT) TYPE P99SD_TAB_FODAT OPTIONAL *" EXPORTING *" REFERENCE(EX_TAB_VALUE) TYPE P99SD_TAB_VALUE *" REFERENCE(EX_RETURNCODE) TYPE SY-SUBRC *" CHANGING *" REFERENCE(CH_TAB_ERROR) TYPE P99SF_TAB_ERROR OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(CH_MISC) TYPE ANY OPTIONAL *"-------------------------------------------------------------------- * data definitions DATA ls_value TYPE p99sd_value. DATA ls_employee TYPE hr99b_hrf_ee_misc. DATA lr_employee TYPE REF TO cl_hrpaycl_employee. DATA lt_pay TYPE hrpaycl_tab_of_results. DATA ls_wpbp TYPE pc205. DATA ls_pay TYPE paycl_result. DATA ls_aux_pay TYPE paycl_result. lt_pay = im_tab_pay. ls_employee = ch_misc. lr_employee ?= ls_employee-employee. * Get last payroll result whitin period LOOP AT lt_pay INTO ls_aux_pay WHERE evp-payty IS INITIAL. LOOP AT ls_aux_pay-inter-wpbp INTO ls_wpbp WHERE aktivjn = abap_true. ls_pay = ls_aux_pay. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. IF ls_wpbp IS INITIAL. ls_wpbp-bukrs = lr_employee->a_pernr_el-bukrs. ENDIF. ls_value-begda = im_daq-begda. ls_value-endda = im_daq-endda. CASE im_wafor-field. WHEN 'TRAMO'. "Family Allowance Brackets DATA: lt_p9021 TYPE TABLE OF p9021. * leer el tramo del trabajador vía ITP9021 para el pago de asignaciones familiares CALL FUNCTION 'HR_READ_INFOTYPE' EXPORTING pernr = lr_employee->a_pernr infty = '9021' TABLES infty_tab = lt_p9021 EXCEPTIONS infty_not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_p9021 INTO DATA(ls_p9021) WHERE begda <= ls_wpbp-endda AND endda >= ls_wpbp-begda. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc = 0. ls_value-data = ls_p9021-tramo. ELSE. PERFORM get_bracket USING ls_wpbp ls_pay-inter-rt lr_employee->at_p0008 CHANGING ls_value-data. ENDIF. ENDCASE. APPEND ls_value TO ex_tab_value. ENDFUNCTION.
por último actualizamos la vista V_T5F99FF (trn. SM30) para field = 'TRAMO' con la nueva función ZHR_CL_DAQ_PROCESS_CCAF
Notas SAP Previred
CL_HRPAYCL_DAQ_ENGINE => RUN_1_DAQ CALL METHOD ar_daq_form->get_values_forms ##################################################### function HR_99S_DAQ_GET_VALUES para analizar poner break acá: loop at <fs_sectn>-field ASSIGNING <fs_fifor> where field in im_field. * init wa_form-field = <fs_fifor>-field. wa_form-ficon = <fs_fifor>-atrib. "<--------BREAK-POINT ##################################################### function HR_99S_DAQ_GET_FIELD LHR99S00_DAQF02 form daq_wages HR_CL_IF_PRVD_GENERATE_FILE transaccion DAQ_UPLOAD function HR_CL_IF_PRVD_FORMAT_FODAT => (clase CL_HRPAYCL_PRVD_TABLE_HANDLER, método FILL_STRUCTURE): feature CLCAF HR_CL_READ_T7CL29 ########################################### LHRPAYCL_IF_PRVDF01 656
Representante Legal
- Rut Representante Legal
- Nombre Representante Legal
SELECT SINGLE * FROM t536c WHERE molga EQ '39' AND anart EQ 'RL' AND ankey EQ T7CL30-ankrl. select single name1 from adrc where addrnumber = t536c-adrnr.
Cálculo Provisión de vacaciones
Calculo Provisión de vacaciones
Notas SAP Varias
Función CLTAX moneda CLP4
1587331 - [CL] Rounding issue in Income Tax calculation (CLTAX)
The Income Tax Payroll function (CLTAX) is performing rounding procedures during the tax calculation process. The correct approach is to use decimal places during the calculation and round the final result, as defined by the Chilean tax authority (SII). Rounding CLP amounts during the tax calculation may lead to slight differences in the tax deduction.
Other Terms
Chile; decimal places; HR_CL_INCOME_TAX; rounding
The new currency CLP4 was created in order to be used during the Income Tax calculation using 4 decimal places. The Income Tax calculation was changed in order to use the new currency for UTM conversion and to store the Income Tax basis (/T23) using 4 decimal places during the Income Tax wage type (/312) generation. The final result is then rounded to CLP.
From now on, the currency conversion rate between UTM and CLP4 should be maintained monthly as the conversion rate between UTM and CLP is being maintained (using the same conversion rate and values).
The solution described in this note will be included in an HR Support Package, as indicated in item "Reference to Support Packages".
In case you require these changes to be implemented immediately, do the following steps attached as Correction Instructions:
- apply the manual pre-implementation steps.
- use SNOTE to apply the source code correction instructions.
Manual Activities
I) New currency CLP4
a) Go to SM30 transaction and maintain the table view V_CURC.
b) Insert the following entry:
Currency: CLP4 Long Text: Chilean Peso Short Text: Peso ISO code: CLP Alternative key: 152
c) Save your changes.
d) Go to SM30 transaction and maintain the table view V_CURX.
e) Insert the following entry:
Currency Decimals
CLP4 4
f) Save your changes.
g) Go to SM30 transaction and maintain the table view V_TCURF.
h) Insert the following entries:
ExRt From To Valid from Ratio(from) Ratio(to) M CLP CLP4 01.01.1900 1 1 M CLP4 CLP 01.01.1900 1 1
i) Save your changes.
j) Go to SM30 transaction and maintain the table view V_TCURR.
k) Insert the following entries:
ExRt Valid From From Dir.quot. To M 01.01.1900 CLP 1 CLP4 M 01.01.1900 CLP4 1 CLP
l) Save your changes.
II) New message HRPAYCL035
a) Go to SE91 transaction and maintain the message 035 for Message class HRPAYCL:
Message Message short text 035 No exchange rate from &1 to &2 in table V_TCURR on &3
b) Save your changes.
1444894 - Migrated Record Update via PA30 gives a shortdump
After upgrade to release 6.00 EhP5, you can not maintain Infotype 0021 (Display Family/ Related Person) for Chile. The message 'Error in UPDATE from table PA3226 argument' will be displayed.