From SapWiki
- PP01 Actual.datos plan (guiado por menú)
- PO10 Actualizar unidad de organización
- PO03 Actualizar función
- PO13 Actualizar posición
- PO01 Actualizar puesto de trabajo
- Reportes
- RHGRENZ0 - Delimitar objetos
- RHCHECKRELATIONS - Borrado de enlaces sin objetos existentes
- RHCHECK1 - Verif.consistencia base datos
FM OM Infotypes
CALL FUNCTION 'RH_OBJECT_CREATE' EXPORTING plvar = '01' otype = 'S' short = ls_p1000-short stext = ls_p1000-stext begda = p_begda endda = p_endda vtask = 'B' IMPORTING objid = p_objid_new EXCEPTIONS text_required = 1 invalid_otype = 2 invalid_date = 3 error_during_insert = 4 error_ext_number = 5 undefined = 6 OTHERS = 7. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ROLLBACK WORK. p_subrc = 7. RETURN. ENDIF.
FORM borrar_relaciones USING p_objid. DATA: lt_p1001 TYPE TABLE OF p1001 WITH HEADER LINE, l_objid TYPE p1000-objid. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_READ_INFTY' EXPORTING plvar = '01' otype = 'ZT' objid = p_objid infty = '1001' istat = '1' TABLES innnn = lt_p1001 * OBJECTS = EXCEPTIONS all_infty_with_subty = 1 nothing_found = 2 no_objects = 3 wrong_condition = 4 wrong_parameters = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_p1001 WHERE sclas = 'ZI'. MOVE lt_p1001-sobid TO l_objid. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_DELETE_OBJECT' EXPORTING plvar = '01' otype = 'ZI' objid = l_objid vtask = 'B' EXCEPTIONS error_during_delete = 1 no_authorization = 2 corr_exit = 3 buffer_upd_with_foreign_data = 4 OTHERS = 5. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_UPDATE_DATABASE' EXPORTING vtask = 'D' commit_flg = 'X' "VWMCOMMIT clear_buffer = ' ' EXCEPTIONS corr_exit = 04. ENDFORM. " BORRAR_
FORM insert_infty USING p_p TYPE any CHANGING p_subrc TYPE sy-subrc. DATA: wplog_record_tab TYPE TABLE OF wplog, wplog_record TYPE wplog. FIELD-SYMBOLS <wplog> TYPE c. ASSIGN p_p TO <wplog> CASTING. wplog_record = <wplog>. APPEND wplog_record TO wplog_record_tab. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_INSERT_INFTY' EXPORTING vtask = 'B' TABLES innnn = wplog_record_tab EXCEPTIONS no_authorization = 1 error_during_insert = 2 repid_form_initial = 2 corr_exit = 2 OTHERS = 2. p_subrc = sy-subrc. ENDFORM. "insert_infty PERFORM insert_infty USING ls_P1010 CHANGING l_subrc. IF l_subrc <> 0. ROLLBACK WORK. p_subrc = 5. RETURN. ENDIF.
FORM delete_infotype USING p_p TYPE any CHANGING p_subrc TYPE sy-subrc. DATA: wplog_record_tab TYPE TABLE OF wplog, wplog_record TYPE wplog. FIELD-SYMBOLS <wplog> TYPE c. ASSIGN p_p TO <wplog> CASTING. wplog_record = <wplog>. APPEND wplog_record TO wplog_record_tab. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_DELETE_INFTY' EXPORTING vtask = 'B' TABLES innnn = wplog_record_tab EXCEPTIONS error_during_delete = 1 no_authorization = 2 delete_first_record = 3 corr_exit = 4 OTHERS = 5. p_subrc = sy-subrc. ENDFORM. "delete_infotype
PERFORM delete_infotype USING ls_p9005 CHANGING l_subrc. IF l_subrc <> 0. ROLLBACK WORK. p_subrc = 5. RETURN. ENDIF.
Leer Descripción de Objeto RH_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_READ_2
FORM read_description USING p_objid p_otype p_begda p_endda p_subty p_seqnr CHANGING p_longtext TYPE wcb_tdline_tab. DATA: i1002 TYPE TABLE OF p1002, i1002_exp TYPE TABLE OF p1002_exp WITH HEADER LINE, objects TYPE TABLE OF hrobject WITH HEADER LINE. DATA ls_longtext LIKE LINE OF p_longtext. objects-plvar = c_actual. objects-otype = p_otype. objects-objid = p_objid. APPEND objects. * read appraisal information and rating description CALL FUNCTION 'RH_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_READ_2' EXPORTING * LANGU = SY-LANGU begda = p_begda endda = p_endda subty = p_subty TABLES i1002 = i1002 i1002_exp = i1002_exp OBJECTS = OBJECTS exceptions nothing_found = 1 infty_empty = 2 undefined = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CLEAR: i1002, i1002_exp. ENDIF. LOOP AT i1002_exp WHERE subty <> p_subty OR seqnr <> p_seqnr OR begda <> p_begda OR endda <> p_endda. DELETE i1002_exp INDEX sy-tabix. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT i1002_exp. MOVE i1002_exp-tline TO ls_longtext. APPEND ls_longtext TO p_longtext. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. "read_description . . . DATA: lt_p1002 TYPE TABLE OF p1002 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_relation TYPE hri1001_tab, lt_longtext TYPE wcb_tdline_tab. DATA ls_p1002 LIKE LINE OF lt_p1002. DATA l_subrc TYPE sy-subrc. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_READ_INFTY' EXPORTING plvar = '01' otype = 'S' objid = p_objid infty = '1002' TABLES innnn = lt_p1002 EXCEPTIONS all_infty_with_subty = 1 nothing_found = 2 no_objects = 3 wrong_condition = 4 wrong_parameters = 5 OTHERS = 6. LOOP AT lt_p1002 INTO ls_p1002 WHERE istat = '1'. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc = 0. PERFORM read_description IN PROGRAM zhr_sindicato_rutinas USING p_objid ls_p1002-otype ls_p1002-begda ls_p1002-endda ls_p1002-subty ls_p1002-seqnr CHANGING lt_longtext[]. ENDIF.
CALL FUNCTION 'RH_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_WRITE' EXPORTING plvar = '01' otype = 'S' objid = p_objid begda = ls_p1002-begda endda = ls_p1002-endda subty = ls_p1002-subty vtask = 'B' TABLES ptxt1002 = lt_longtext EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 description_required = 2 no_authority = 3 error_during_insert = 4 invalid_date = 5 undefined = 6 OTHERS = 7. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ROLLBACK WORK. l_subrc = 5. RETURN. ENDIF.
Crear Relación
FORM relation_ CHANGING p_subrc. DATA lt_relation TYPE hri1001_tab. DATA ls_relation LIKE LINE OF lt_relation. DATA l_subty LIKE ls_relation-relat. DATA: l_objid TYPE p1000-objid, l_otype TYPE p1000-otype. DATA l_like(20). CLEAR ls_relation. ls_relation-mandt = sy-mandt. ls_relation-plvar = '01'. ls_relation-otype = g_otype. ls_relation-objid = p1000-objid. ls_relation-infty = '1001'. ls_relation-istat = '1'. ls_relation-rsign = 'B'. ls_relation-relat = l_subty. "'Z01'. ls_relation-begda = p1000-begda. ls_relation-endda = p1000-endda. ls_relation-sclas = p_otype. ls_relation-sobid = p_objid. APPEND ls_relation TO lt_relation. PERFORM crea_relacion USING lt_relation CHANGING p_subrc. if p_subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_UPDATE_DATABASE' EXPORTING vtask = 'D' commit_flg = 'X' "VWMCOMMIT clear_buffer = ' ' EXCEPTIONS corr_exit = 04. endif. ENDFORM. "relation_fiscalizacion FORM crea_relacion USING p_relation TYPE hri1001_tab CHANGING p_subrc. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_RELATION_WRITE' EXPORTING vtask = 'B' * KEEP_LUPD = ' ' TABLES relation = p_relation * ERR_RELATION = EXCEPTIONS no_authority = 1 relation_not_allowed = 2 object_not_found = 3 wrong_date_format = 4 time_not_valid = 5 error_during_insert = 6 undefined = 7 OTHERS = 8 . p_subrc = sy-subrc. ENDFORM. "crea_relacion
Ayuda Busqueda para Objeto
Ver include MH5A0I50
module objid_request_5000 input. self_repid = sy-repid. "YNKK100992 self_dynnr = sy-dynnr. "YNKK100992 * Umstellung auf RH_OBJID_REQUEST "XMKBCEK002468 * PERFORM objid_request(rhobidf4) USING '' * pphdr-plvar * pphdr-otype *(DEL) SY-REPID "YNKK100992 * self_repid "YNKK100992 *(DEL) SY-DYNNR "YNKK100992 * self_dynnr "YNKK100992 * 'PPHDR-PLVAR' * 'PPHDR-OTYPE' * 'PM0D1-SEARK' * pm0d1-seark. call function 'RH_OBJID_REQUEST' "XMKBCEK002468 exporting plvar = pphdr-plvar otype = pphdr-otype dynpro_repid = self_repid dynpro_dynnr = self_dynnr dynpro_plvarfield = 'PPHDR-PLVAR' dynpro_otypefield = 'PPHDR-OTYPE' dynpro_searkfield = 'PM0D1-SEARK' importing sel_object = f4_objec exceptions cancelled = 1 wrong_condition = 2 nothing_found = 3 illegal_mode = 4 internal_error = 5 others = 6. if sy-subrc = 0. move f4_objec-realo to pm0d1-seark. * Eigentlich müßte der Suchbegriff REALO-artig sein, dann paßt auch * der 14-stellige Schlüssel PKEYK rein, aber da das nicht geht, * wird einfach nach 10 Stellen abgeschnitten. Dadurch greift die * SET/GET-Parameter-Logik auf den Buchungskreis wieder. if pphdr-otype = 'K'. clear pm0d1-seark+10(2). endif. endif. endmodule. "objid_request_5000 INPUT
En Dynpro
process on value-request. field pm0d1-seark module objid_request_5000. "YNKA085575