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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report YENCRIPT2_DO *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT yencript2_do. * equivale a AES 256 mode CBC * basado en CL_SEC_SXML_WRITER=>CRYPT_AES_CTR * para test DATA: blocksize TYPE i , keysize TYPE i , cipher TYPE xstring , block TYPE xstring , rest TYPE i , offset TYPE i , l_iv TYPE xstring , emptyiv TYPE xstring , counter(4) TYPE x , ctroffset TYPE i . DATA iv TYPE xstring. DATA key TYPE xstring. DATA input TYPE xstring. DATA result TYPE xstring. DATA l_plaintext TYPE string. DATA l_plaintext_x TYPE xstring. DATA l_key TYPE string. DATA l_key_x TYPE xstring. DATA lv_message TYPE xstring. DATA lv_message_decrypted TYPE xstring. DATA lr_xstring TYPE xstring. DATA l_base64 TYPE string. DATA lv_message_string TYPE string. DATA i_iv TYPE xstring. DATA: lf_bindata TYPE xstring.
*--------------------------------------------------------------------* * *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * ejemplo: archivo JSON o XML PARAMETERS gf_xfile TYPE string LOWER CASE. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR gf_xfile. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: window_title TYPE string. window_title = 'Archivo de entrada'. cl_secxml_helper=>file_f4( EXPORTING window_title = window_title IMPORTING filename = gf_xfile ). *--------------------------------------------------------------------* START-OF-SELECTION. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * read xml data *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF gf_xfile IS NOT INITIAL. cl_secxml_helper=>upload_file( EXPORTING filename = gf_xfile IMPORTING bindata = lf_bindata ). ENDIF. blocksize = 16. keysize = 32. ctroffset = 12. emptyiv = '00000000000000000000000000000000'. i_iv = emptyiv. l_key = '12345678901234567890123456789012'. l_key_x = cl_abap_hmac=>string_to_xstring( l_key ). IF lf_bindata IS INITIAL. l_plaintext = 'Texto a encriptar'. l_plaintext_x = cl_abap_hmac=>string_to_xstring( l_plaintext ). ELSE. MOVE lf_bindata TO l_plaintext_x. ENDIF. iv = i_iv. key = l_key_x. input = l_plaintext_x. IF xstrlen( iv ) NE blocksize OR xstrlen( key ) NE keysize. WRITE:/ 'error en llave o IV'. RETURN. ENDIF. rest = xstrlen( input ). IF rest < 1. RETURN. "nothing to encrypt ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * encrypt *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CALL METHOD cl_sec_sxml_writer=>encrypt_iv( EXPORTING plaintext = input key = key iv = iv algorithm = cl_sec_sxml_writer=>co_aes256_algorithm_pem IMPORTING ciphertext = cipher ). * padding lr_xstring = cipher+blocksize. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * codificar archivo encriptado en BASE64 *--------------------------------------------------------------------* PERFORM encode_base_64x USING lr_xstring CHANGING l_base64. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * decrypt message *--------------------------------------------------------------------* cl_sec_sxml_writer=>decrypt( EXPORTING ciphertext = cipher key = l_key_x algorithm = cl_sec_sxml_writer=>co_aes256_algorithm_pem IMPORTING plaintext = lv_message_decrypted ). " convert xstring to string for output cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( input = lv_message_decrypted )->read( IMPORTING data = lv_message_string ). " output secret message WRITE lv_message_string. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM ....... *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM encode_base_64x USING p_xstring TYPE xstring CHANGING p_string_base64 TYPE string. DATA: l_http_utility TYPE REF TO cl_http_utility. DATA: l_string TYPE string. CREATE OBJECT l_http_utility. CALL METHOD l_http_utility->encode_x_base64 EXPORTING unencoded = p_xstring RECEIVING encoded = p_string_base64. ENDFORM.