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Ejemplos REGEX
Ejemplo de Uso de regex en ABAP
DATA: lt_match_result TYPE match_result_tab. data: l_regex type string, l_string type string. data: l_matches TYPE i. l_regex = '^[^<>()\[\]\\,;:\s@"`]+@([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$'. l_string = ''. FIND ALL OCCURRENCES OF REGEX l_regex IN l_string IN CHARACTER MODE RESPECTING CASE MATCH COUNT l_matches RESULTS lt_match_result. if l_matches le 0. message i000(0k) with 'E-mail no valido' display like 'E'. return. endif.
validar rut (muy simple)
FIND REGEX '[0-9]{1,8}-([0-9]|K)' IN l_strng.
valida e-mail
validar Números
validar número 1.1111 correcto -1.1111 correcto 1.11111- correcto 1111 correcto ^[-?0-9]+([.])?([0-9]+)?-?$ números de 2 enteros y 7 decimales 1.1234567 correcto 11.1234560 correcto ^[0-9]{1,2}\.([0-9]{7})+$ con signo izquierda -1.1234567 correcto 1.1234567 correcto ^-?[0-9]{1,2}\.([0-9]{7})+$ con signo derecha o izquierda ^-?[0-9]{1,2}\.([0-9]{7})+-?$ validar número entero ^[0-9]+$ numero NNN.NN valido 111.1 11.11 1 ^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,2})?$ numero entero con máximo de 13 caracteres valido 1234567890111 111 1 ^\d{1,13}$
Elimina prefijo
* NC00000009 -> 00000009 *saca prefijos de XBLNR data l_xblnr type string. l_xblnr = vbrk-xblnr. REPLACE all OCCURRENCES OF REGEX '[[:alpha:]]' IN l_xblnr with ''. if sy-subrc = 0. .... endif.
ejemplo 2
REPLACE all OCCURRENCES OF REGEX '[^\d]' in l_xblnr WITH ''.
convertir fecha (yyyymmdd->dd/mm/yyyy)
data l_fecha(10). l_fecha = sy-datum. replace FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX '(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})' in l_fecha WITH '$3/$2/$1'. write:/ l_fecha.
usar REGEX como IF
ejemplo para verificar por clase de entrega data l_lfart type string. l_lfart = likp-lfart. find REGEX 'Y101|Y100|Y102' in l_lfart. if sy-subrc = 0. write:/ 'continue'. else. write:/ 'Exit'. endif.
Regular Expression Patterns
Escape character Special character Meaning \ Escape character for special characters Special Characters for single character string Special character Meaning . Placeholder for any single character \C Placeholder for any single character \d Placeholder for any single digit \D Placeholder for any character other than a digit \l Placeholder for any lower-case letter \L Placeholder for any character other than a lower-case letter \s Placeholder for a blank character \S Placeholder for any character other than a blank character \u Placeholder for any upper-case letter \U Placeholder for any character other than an upper-case letter \w Placeholder for any alphanumeric character including _ \W Placeholder for any non-alphanumeric character except for _ [ ] Definition of a value set for single characters [^ ] Negation of a value set for single characters [ - ] Definition of a range in a value set for single characters [ [:alnum:] ] Description of all alphanumeric characters in a value set [ [:alpha:] ] Description of all letters in a value set [ [:blank:] ] Description for blank characters and horizontal tabulators in a value set [ [:cntrl:] ] Description of all control characters in a value set [ [:digit:] ] Description of all digits in a value set [ [:graph:] ] Description of all graphic special characters in a value set [ [:lower:] ] Description of all lower-case letters in a value set [ [:print:] ] Description of all displayable characters in a value set [ [:punct:] ] Description of all punctuation characters in a value set [ [:space:] ] Description of all blank characters, tabulators, and carriage feeds in a value set [ [:unicode:] ] Description of all Unicode characters in a value set with a code larger than 255 [ [:upper:] ] Description of all upper-case letters in a value set [ [:word:] ] Description of all alphanumeric characters in a value set, including _ [ [:xdigit:] ] Description of all hexadecimal digits in a value set \a \f \n \r \t \v Diverse platform-specific control characters [..] Reserved for later enhancements [==] Reserved for later enhancements Special Characters for character string patterns Special character Meaning {n} Concatenation of n single characters {n,m} Concatenation of at least n and a maximum of m single characters {n,m}? Reserved for later enhancements ? One or no single characters * Concatenation of any number of single characters including 'no characters' *? Reserved for later enhancements + Concatenation of any number of single characters excluding 'no characters' +? Reserved for later enhancements | Linking of two alternative expressions ( ) Definition of subgroups with registration (?: ) Definition of subgroups without registration \1, \2, \3 ... Placeholder for the register of subgroups \Q ... \E Definition of a string of literal characters (? ... ) Reserved for later enhancements Special Characters for search string Special character Meaning ^ Anchor character for the start of a line \A Anchor character for the start of a character string $ Anchor character for the end of a line \Z Anchor character for the end of a character string \< Start of a word \> End of a word \b Start or end of a word \B Space between characters within a word (?= ) Preview condition (?! ) Negated preview condition Special Characters for replacement texts Special character Meaning $0, $& Placeholder for the whole found location $1, $2, $3... Placeholder for the register of subgroups $` Placeholder for the text before the found location