- Borrar resultado actual de nómina: Trn. PU01
- Ver LOG: Trn. SLG1 objeto HRPU
- Borrar resultados cálculo nómina: Programa RPUDEL20, usar si Trn. PU01 da error
- Reporte RPCLSTCU: Visual.directorio resultados cálculo nómina (cluster CU), RGDIR
- Rutinas en CLUSTER(Nómina)
- Transacciones en Payroll
Tables PCL1, PCL2, PCL3 and PCL4
Which information is stored in the files?
File PCL1 is the basis for the HR work area data. It contains information from the time data recording, for example, incentive wage time tickets or infotype supplement texts.
File PCL2 contains derived information, for example, payroll results. It also contains all generated payroll schemas.
File PCL3 contains applicant data.
File PCL4 contains the change documents for HR master data and recruitment.
The structure of PCLn files corresponds to that of the INDX file which you may be familiar with from other applications. The structure of all PCLn files (n = 1, 2, 3, and 4) is identical.
Structure of Files
Like in almost all SAP files, the key element with the highest priority is the client; data within a client is grouped according to basic relations (field PCLn-RELID).
The type of basic relation is known as a cluster and characterizes the stored data according to the type, for example, cluster RX contains the payroll result for country X (from table T500L) and cluster TE contains the trip costs data.
Depending on the cluster, the structure of PCLn-SRTFD is defined in a field string xx-KEY, which is defined in an include RPCnxxy0.
Naming conventions
- n = 1, 2, 3, or 4 (for PCL1, PCL2, PCL3, or PCL4)
- xx = for the cluster
- y = 0 for international clusters
- y = country grouping according to T500L for national clusters
The personnel number is usually the first component of xx-KEY.
Read RGDIR table: PCL2 with relid = CU
data: ltx_rgdir like pc261 occurs 0 with header line, ltx_rgdir_o like pc261 occurs 0 with header line, lsx_rgdir like ltx_rgdir, lsx_result type pay99_result."for Chile, type PAYCL_RESULT call function 'CU_READ_RGDIR_NEW' exporting persnr = pf_pernr check_read_authority = space importing molga = lfx_molga tables in_rgdir = ltx_rgdir exceptions others = 1. if sy-subrc <> 0. move sy-subrc to pfx_subrc. return. endif.
Read Payroll Results
- get relid
select single * from t500l into lsx_t500l where molga = lfx_molga. move lsx_t500l-relid to lfx_relid.
loop at ltx_rgdir into lsx_rgdir where fpend >= p0045-begda. "for performance
if lflag_loan_exists = abap_true. exit. "stop loop at rgdir, because period was found endif.
call function 'PYXX_READ_PAYROLL_RESULT' exporting clusterid = lfx_relid employeenumber = pf_pernr sequencenumber = lsx_rgdir-seqnr read_only_international = 'X' check_read_authority = ' ' changing payroll_result = lsx_result exceptions others = 1. endloop.</nowiki>