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Para colocar comandos propios(botones) en transaccion FBL1N se pueden usar las badi
OBS: Estos se activan en el FM FI_ITEMS_DISPLAY y solo aparecen visibles como botón las funciones +CUS01 & +CUS05 (ver status gui ALV_ITEMS_AR)
Los textos de las funciones nuevas se asignan en Cód.F.
Nota: puede ser que los cambios en los botones no se vean reflejados en el sistema destino después de un transporte, para ello ver nota 542302:
There are two options for deleting superfluous entries
- Report SAPRSEUG using the optional parameter WITH_TXT = X
method if_ex_fi_items_menue01~list_items01. data : items like line of it_items. data : sel. data: i. data : bseg type bseg, bsik type bsik. data: idocument type table of rsparams, xdocument type rsparams. clear : idocument. refresh: idocument. if sy-xcode eq '+CUS01' and sy-tcode eq 'FBL5N'. loop at it_items into items where xselp is not initial. sel = sel + 1. if sel > 1. message e003(zfi). endif. submit z030_obj with s_bukrs eq items-bukrs with s_belnr eq items-belnr with s_gjahr eq items-gjahr with p_zuonr eq items-zuonr with p_buzei eq items-buzei and return. endloop. else. if sy-xcode eq '+CUS01' and sy-tcode eq 'FBL1N'. loop at it_items into items where xselp is not initial. select single zlspr into bsik-zlspr from bsik where bukrs eq items-bukrs and belnr eq items-belnr. xdocument-selname = 'BUKRS'. xdocument-kind = 'S'. xdocument-sign = 'I'. xdocument-option = 'EQ'. xdocument-low = items-bukrs. append xdocument to idocument. xdocument-selname = 'BELNR'. xdocument-low = items-belnr. append xdocument to idocument. xdocument-selname = 'BUZEI'. xdocument-low = items-buzei. append xdocument to idocument. endloop. if not idocument is initial. submit zaprp_simuladpp_obj with selection-table idocument and return. else. message i011(zfi). endif. endif. endif. endmethod.
method if_ex_fi_items_menue01~show_buttons. data: wa_extab type slis_extab. * boton solo disponible para FBL5N if sy-tcode ne 'FBL5N' and sy-tcode ne 'FBL1N'. wa_extab-fcode = '+CUS01'. append wa_extab to extab. endif. endmethod.